Some foods should be thrown out the minute you decide to lose weight (hello Cheetos and Little Debbies-I'm looking at you!). Other foods should have a permanent place of honor in any health conscious pantry or fridge.
Here is my list of the 10 best foods to have on hand when trying to shed pounds:
10. Popcorn. The un-salted, un-buttered variety please. Very filling and low-calorie
9. Apples. An apple a day may not keep the Doctor away-but it will help you lose weight, improve your complexion and do tons of other great things to your body :)
8. Avocados. I am not a fish person-I don't do any kind of seafood. When getting my dose of heart-healthy fats for the day I rely on produce to get me there :) Avocados are a great source of heart healthy fats. They also taste great and keep me full for hours.
7. Olive Oil. (See above about heart healthy fats) Many cooking oils have the evil trans fat (or partially hydrogenated oils-horrible for you!) Use olive oil instead. Also great on salads and bread (skip the butter!) Extra virgin is best, but anything is better than margarine :)
6. Nuts!. Almonds, pecans and walnuts top my list, but almost any nut is great in moderation. Add them to oatmeal or yogurt instead of sugary granola or sprinkle on fresh fruit to add texture and protein.
5. Chicken. Grilled or in a broth, its a great source of lower fat protein (Skip the ground beef and instead go for ground chicken in any recipe.)
4. Whole grain low Calorie bread. Sometimes you just want bread! Make sure its healthy and low calorie (many whole grain breads aren't so be sure and read the label!)
3. Melba Toast. My go to when craving chip-type junk food. Satisfies my craving and much better calorie and fat-wise than potato chips
2. Baby Carrots. Another great snack food-super low calories :)
1. Spinach. Great raw in salads or cooked in almost anything-its a great "sneak in" item. Puree it and add it to marinara sauce, omelets or vegetable soup. This is my go-to all time favorite health food!
So get moving! Toss out any food that isn't helping you reach your weight loss or fitness goals (better to go to waste than to your waist!)
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